![]() 13 JAN 2023 FM: CHDIRAUX TO: ALAUX ALAUX 002/23
Ref: (A) Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series)
1. National Operations Workshops. The Surface and Telecommunications Workshops are required for 2023. The Air Operations Workshop is a mandatory task included as part of the Air Station Safety Workshop. Like 2022, the National Operations Workshops (Surface/Air/Telecommunications) may be completed via webinar. The workshop training material(s) must be delivered by an Auxiliarist qualified in the respective operations program provided they are either a certified instructor or are under the supervision of a certified instructor. Instructors may use any webinar delivery platform that is available in their region. Instructors are encouraged to work with their Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM) to determine the proper delivery platform. Self-Attestation is NOT permitted for any of these National Operations Workshops. The workshops will relay significant, needed information and will take longer than 1 hour (possibly 2 hours) to complete, please plan accordingly. Details for the 2023 required National Operations Workshops are listed below:
a. Surface Operations Workshop. This workshop is required for all boat crew coxswains, boat crew members, personal watercraft operators, paddle craft operators, and those currently training for any of these competencies, including members in Required Yearly Not Met (REYR) status who intend to regain their certification.
b. Air Operations Workshop. This workshop is a required element of the annual Air Station Safety Workshop. It is required for all pilots, air crew, air observers, and those currently training for any of these competencies, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification.
c. Telecommunications Workshop. This workshop is required of all operators and owners of Auxiliary Radio Facilities. It is required of those currently holding Telecommunications Operator (TCO), or in training for TCO qualification, and those who are using AUXCOM as their “grandfathered” qualification for radio operation. This does not apply to the operation of radios on aircraft or vessels which are covered by crew certification.
d. The 2023 National Operations Workshop presentations (Air, Surface, and Telecommunications) are located at the National Response Directorate web page at the following link: National Operations Workshops – 2023
e. Instructors of these workshops must submit a Workshop Mission and Attendance Report (ANSC-7039) to their IS officer for entry into AUXDATA II.
2. National Vessel Examiner and Instructor Workshops. The Vessel Examiner (VE) and Instructor (IT) Workshops are required for 2023. These workshops are intended to be viewed by members and completion logged via a self-attestation form as described below. These workshops may also be facilitated by an Instructor via webinar or in person as District COVID-19 Protocols permit.
a. VE Workshop. This workshop is required for all certified Vessel Examiners, and those currently training to become Vessel Examiners, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification. The VE workshop presentations are located at the National V-Directorate website (in the Member Zone) at: 2023 National VE Workshop. The workshop may also be accessed at: http://wow.uscgaux.info/Uploads_wowII/V-DEPT/2023_VE_workshop_Dec_4_22.pdf
b. IT Workshop. This workshop is advised for all certified Instructors, and those currently training to become Instructors, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification. The IT workshop is located at the E-Directorate website “What’s New!” page (in the Member Zone) at: 2023 E-Directorate Workshop. In addition, members can go to Workshops (uscgaux.info) and find the 2021, 2022, and 2023 IT Workshops in archive.
c. Members who individually view the VE or IT workshops in their entirety must submit a Workshop Attestation Form to their FSO-IS for entry into AUXDATA II. In order to make data entry easier, IS officers may collect forms for all their members required to complete these workshops and make one entry into AUXDATA II using the last day of the month of the Activity/Task Completion date. This form is located in the same location as the VE and IT Workshop presentations listed above. Note: When adding the VE workshop task to Activity Logs in AUXDATA II use the task named “Vessel Examinations Workshop” in the Workshops task category list.
d. If the workshop is facilitated by an Instructor in a webinar or group setting, the Instructor must submit a Workshop Mission and Attendance Report (ANSC-7039) to their IS officer for entry into AUXDATA II.
3. National Culinary Assistance Specialists Sanitation Workshop. This workshop is required for all Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Specialists and those currently training for this competency, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification. Please follow the instructions on the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Specialists Website for completing the Annual AUXCA Sanitation Workshop. After completing the workshop and passing the required test on the National Testing Center, course completion will be logged into AUXDATA II via the National Testing Center course results upload. There is no need to create separate activity logs for completion of this course in AUXDATA II. The appropriate DSO-CA will automatically be notified of course completion. The workshop is available through the Auxiliary Human Resources Directorate web page/Divisions tab at: National Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Website
4. Per chapter 8.B.1.g of reference (A), all required workshops must be completed no later than 30 June 2023. If not completed by 30 June 2023, members required to complete those workshops will have their affected competencies place into Required Workshop Not Met (REWK). If a required workshop is not completed by 31 December 2023, the affected competencies will be placed in REYR status.
5. Questions should be directed to the appropriate Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM).
6. Internet release is authorized.
If you have a question regarding this ALAUX, please seek resolution within your Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM) including up to your servicing District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX). If your question still cannot be resolved after that, then please email CGAUX@uscg.mil.