Here is some important news to share with your elected officers and your election screening/nominating committees. The Performance Measurement directorate has posted an alternative Election Eligibility Report on its website to assist in determining election eligibility. The User Guide they have posted on their site will give you a breakdown of all checks made for each office. The information is similar to the AUXDATA II Election Eligibility Report but lays out the criteria being checked in a more user-friendly way.
This Election Eligibility Report can be downloaded from the M Directorate website. It is an Excel spreadsheet that is updated weekly during the fall election season. When first run, it opens on the Overview page. Users should read the overview before proceeding to ensure they know what information the report covers, and what eligibility criteria are not covered. As with the AUXDATA II Election Eligibility Report, those criteria not covered will still need to be investigated by the election screening committee.
Each district is shown on a separate tab, with the user selecting the district of interest by clicking on the appropriate tab on the bottom of the screen. All members in the district are then shown, sorted by flotilla number.
The two columns, “VFC/FC Election Eligible” and “VCDR/DCDR Election Eligible” only indicate whether all of the criteria displayed on the report are met by that member. The election screening committee must also check the additional Appendix C requirements that are listed in the Overview section of the report.
Linda McCarty
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Division Chief, Information Service Officers Support