D11SR Auxiliary Phase 5 Rollout


COVID Data Trackercovid.cdc.gov



The below guidance shall constitute policy for D11 NR & SR regarding at-home COVID tests and the requirement to provide proof of a negative COVID test.


ALAUX 016/22: AUXILIARY COVID-19 RECONSTITUTION GUIDANCE VERSION 4 authorized Unvaccinated Auxiliarists in MEDIUM or LOW COVID-19 Community Level areas, per CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html to request in-person assignments to duty (ATD) from their OIA and conduct such ATDs as long as they adhere to mask requirements, social distance, and are prepared to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the in-person ATD. Failure to provide a negative test result within 72 hours may result in the ATD being canceled and potential disciplinary action in accordance with the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series).

The aforementioned reference also authorized the use of any FDA approved COVID test. This includes the use of at-home COVID tests. In an effort to provide amplifying guidance on acceptable proof of an at-home COVID test, and to provide flexibility for members who are unable to gain timely access to a testing facility, please note that the DIRAUX office will accept the following “Negative COVID Test Attestation” as proof of a negative COVID Test.


Unvaccinated members seeking assignment to duty shall submit via email to D11AUXNorthern@uscg.mil or D11-SMB-D11AUX-South@uscg.mil the below attestation prior to being considered assigned to duty and/or on orders. All other provisions of Auxiliary COVID-19 Reconstitution Guidance Version 4 remain in effect.


Email Subject Line: Negative COVID Test Attestation Member Name, Member #


Body of Email:


  • Date of Assignment to Duty/Orders/Event/etc.
  • Date /Time of Negative COVID Results
  • Attestation Statement:

In accordance with ALAUX 016/22: AUXILIARY COVID-19 RECONSTITUTION GUIDANCE VERSION 4, I declare that I have taken an FDA approved COVID-19 test and received a negative test result within 72 hours of engaging in auxiliary activities that require such test. By providing this attestation, I understand that I may still be required to show proof of a negative test as requested and/or required by the respective Chain of Leadership & Management, Order Issuing Authority, or DIRAUX office.



Eleventh Coast Guard District

Coast Guard Island, Bldg 52 Alameda, CA 94501-5100 Staff Symbol: (dp)
Phone: (510) 437-3431

21 APR 2021

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From: G.A. Callaghan, CAPT CGD ELEVEN (dp)

To: Eleventh District Coast Guard Auxiliary Northern and Southern Regions


Ref: (a) Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series)



1. The Eleventh District will begin the third phase of reconstituting the Auxiliary into Coast Guard operations on the date of this memo. All Auxiliary activities shall be performed in accordance with reference (a) and applicable sections of reference (d).

2. The Eleventh District’s top priority is safeguarding the health of the Active Duty, Reserve, Civilian, and Auxiliary workforce and their families while maintaining frontline operations. Below, you will find mandated precautions and approved activities that will allow us to continue incorporating more Auxiliary personnel into Coast Guard missions in a phased approach based on real world conditions and the guidance from cognizant Federal, State, and Local agencies:

a. CDC’s guidance for the higher risk populations is discussed on the following CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/high-risk- complications.html. Members who fall in the CDC’s higher risk populations are strongly encouraged to restrict their Auxiliary activities to electronic means only (e.g. in-home online activities).

b. Since locations throughout the District are experiencing varying levels of COVID-19 threats, the current D11, State, and local government’s guidance on social and business restrictions shall be adhered to when conducting all Auxiliary activities.

3. The following precautions SHALL be adhered to prior to and during all in-person Auxiliary activities:

a. Auxiliarists shall assess their personal ability to undertake the activity. This assessment will include the availability of proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), their health history, the health of those in their household, any personal exposure (within the past 14 days) to someone who is ill/tested positive for COVID-19, traveled to a THN 2 or 3 country (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/map-and-travel- notices.html) or oversees in the past 14 days, attended a mass public event or gathering either indoor or outdoor where social distancing and mask wear couldn’t be maintained, the health of other members they may be interacting with, and the overall risk vs. gain of the activity.

  1. Units must evaluate overall risk vs. gain of the activity including added heat stress due to wearing PPE in hot temperatures and ensure that all physical distancing and PPE requirements can be met by the Auxiliarists while on a mission.
  2. Physical distancing of at least six feet will be strictly adhered to unless otherwise noted below or being conducted with a member of the same household.
  3. In line with recent cloth face coverings guidance set forth in references (b) and (c), Auxiliarists must wear a cloth face covering at all times during approved activities. Cloth face coverings may be removed temporarily if said covering presents a greater threat to the wearer or others during a short-term evolution (e.g. helicopter hoisting exercise.) The cloth face covering must be replaced once the evolution is complete. Cloth face coverings of neutral solid coloring (e.g. navy blue, black, gray or white) are authorized.
  4. All clothing and cloth face coverings shall be washed/cleaned upon completion of each mission/day.
  5. Hand sanitizer or other means of washing hands and supplies for disinfecting shared items should be available.
  6. If gloves are worn, they shall be discarded and replaced at the completion of any interaction and hands will be sanitized after removing gloves.

4. The following Auxiliary activities and associated training activities have been approved. In accordance with reference (d) each participating Auxiliarist SHALL be current in Core Training, submit a High-Risk Certification form (ANSC-7101 Rev 02-21), and a request for assignment to duty to the appropriate OIA for review and approval before any non-virtual Auxiliary activity is completed. All virtual activities are authorized and do not require the submittal of an assignment to duty request. A new Aux-COVID-19 High-Risk Certification Form does not need to be submitted with each request for assignment to duty as long as the member states that the form has been submitted and there are no changes to the member’s status.

  1. Private Aids to Navigation and Bridge Verifications.
  2. Life Jacket Wear Rate Observations. Observations may be made at sites and on dates as announced by the auxiliary national AUXLWO coordinator.
  3. Marine Dealer Visits or RBS Program Visits (PV). Individual visits may be made to marine dealers for ‘no-contact drop-off’ of up-to-date boating safety materials only. The public-facing or Q&A portion of this Auxiliary mission may be requested if it can be completed outdoors. A social distancing and PPE plan must be provided to DIRAUX for review and approval.
  1. Public Education Classes. Requests to hold a public education class must be submitted to DIRAUX for review and approval. All requests shall be accompanied by a Coast Guard Risk Assessment for Enclosed Space Mass Gathering (enclosure (2) of reference (d)) and a social distancing and PPE plan for the class. Class sizes must be limited by the size and type of room the class will be in and take into account minimum social distancing requirements (e.g. 6ft away from each other). In addition, the class size must not exceed any currently defined state/local maximum (e.g., if a current state maximum for any meeting is 10 people and the Public Education Class is permitted based on the Mass Gathering Assessment, then the class size maximum shall not exceed 10 people, including Auxiliary members). The classroom must have proper ventilation, frequent breaks must be taken, and all interactions between all persons in the classroom must be conducted at minimum social distances. The number of Auxiliary personnel physically present for the purpose of instructing or supporting the conduct of the class must be minimized, and there should be no more than one instructor teaching the class at any given time. All instructors and students must wear masks at all times.
  2. Vessel Safety Checks (VSC). Social distancing must be maintained and the Examiner, as much as possible, should leverage technology and pre-planning to have items laid out so that the Examiner can minimize the need to board the vessel.
    1. (1)  To maintain social distancing, Examiners should have owners point to or hold up items and take pictures of items that cannot be viewed from outside the vessel. If space permits and social distancing can be maintained, there may be more than one examiner at a site (i.e. marine dealer parking lot), but for the exams, only one examiner/trainee may be working in concert with the vessel owner.
    2. (2)  Sign-in sheets are recommended for areas where more than one exam is being requested (i.e. boat ramps) to assist inflow and order of the exams and minimize the number of people gathering while waiting for an exam. The examiner should maintain control of the sign-in sheet and write the owner’s name and contact information down to minimize the handling of clipboards and pens. If a clipboard or pen is handled by multiple people it must be sanitized after each use.
    3. (3)  If it is determined that a complete vessel exam cannot be completed while maintaining the above social distancing practices, the boat owner should be directed to the virtual VSC checklist (http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=V- DEPT&category=virtual-safety-check) and the examiner should retain the owner’s contact information so they can be contacted when social distancing requirements have been relaxed and the VSC can be completed.
  1. RBS Public Outreach. Requests to hold a public outreach booth/event must be submitted to DIRAUX for review and approval. As much as possible, all outreach should be planned for outdoor areas however no matter the location all requests shall be accompanied by a Coast Guard Risk Assessment for Enclosed Space Mass Gathering (enclosure (2) of reference (d)) and a social distancing and PPE plan for the event. The number of Auxiliary personnel physically present at the public outreach event must be minimized.
  2. Operational Facility (OPFAC) Inspections. OPFAC inspections may be completed in accordance with the regional policy so that the majority of the inspection is completed virtually with specific key items verified in person by a qualified VE.
  3. Telecommunications.
  4. In-person Auxiliary Unit meetings. Requests to hold an in-person Auxiliary Unit meeting wholly or in part must be submitted to DIRAUX for review and approval. All requests shall be accompanied by a Coast Guard Risk Assessment for Enclosed Space Mass Gathering (enclosure (2) of reference (d)) and a social distancing and PPE plan for the meeting. Meeting sizes must be limited by the size and type of room the class will be in and take into account minimum social distancing requirements (e.g. 6ft away from each other). In addition, the meeting number must not exceed any currently defined state/local maximum (e.g., if a current state maximum for any meeting is 10 people and the Auxiliary meeting is permitted based on the Mass Gathering Assessment, then the meeting size maximum shall not exceed 10 members). The room must have proper ventilation and all interaction between all members at the meeting must be conducted at minimum social distances. All members must wear masks at all times.An approved plan is acceptably applicable for subsequent meetings of the same population provided there are no significant changes from one meeting to the next (e.g., a division meeting plan submitted and approved once is acceptable and applicable for all subsequent division meetings as long as the meetings are held in the same location/venue). Applicable risk-vs-gain and mission need criteria must be met. It is highly suggested that in-person unit meetings be conducted as a “hybrid meeting” that includes a virtual component allowing additional members to participate beyond the maximum mass gathering guidance.
  5. Proctoring. Member to member exam proctoring is authorized as long as PPE is worn and six feet of physical separation is maintained at all times. Only one-on-one testing may be conducted.(1) For tests proctored on a computer, hand sanitization should be used by the proctor and the student before using the keyboard.
  1. Citizenship Verifications. Potential new member citizenship verifications may be completed as long as PPE is worn and six feet of physical separation is maintained at all times. Only one-on-one verifications may be conducted.


  1. Operational missions as requested and authorized by Sectors and Air Stations. Sector/Air Station Commander requested Operational/ Marine Safety/ training activities must be authorized by the appropriate active duty OIA. OIAs will determine when each mission is to be conducted and should work with the Auxiliary Sector Coordinator to assign Auxiliarists as needed. In accordance with the COVID19 PLANORD, each mission requires the OIA’s completion of the Pandemic and Emerging Infectious Disease Risk Assessment and implementation of appropriate risk mitigation strategies. In accordance with AUXILIARY COVID-19 RECONSTITUTION GUIDANCE, all members performing ordered patrol missions must take Blood Borne Pathogens Training (Course #100293) and provide a copy of course completion to the OIA and DIRAUX. The requesting CG unit must ensure that Auxiliary members are trained and outfitted with all required COVID-19 safety protocols and PPE. Approved Operational/ Marine Safety/Training activities are as follows:
    1. (1)  Watchstanding
    2. (2)  AUXCHEF
    3. (3)  Marine Inspections (Commercial Fishing Vessel Exams and other Inspections as approved by Sector Prevention Departments).
    4. (4)  Underway/Air Training Patrols: Once an approved assignment to duty has been received Auxiliarists can request orders through AUXDATAII. The Coxswain/Pilot requesting orders shall ensure all crewmembers have a high-risk form on file with DIRAUX, are current in core training, and have completed Blood Borne Pathogens Training.
    5. (5)  Support to the Port Safety and Security Program including providing facilities to perform the Maritime Observation Missions (MOM), performing harbor and anchorage patrols, providing assistance to Coast Guard Forces in safety zone enforcement, or performing port facility and vessel verification visits. The Coxswain/Pilot requesting orders shall ensure all crewmembers have a high-risk form on file with DIRAUX, are current in core training, and have completed Blood Borne Pathogens Training.
  1. AUXCLERGY. Qualified Auxiliarists can perform the AUXCLERGY mission if requested by an Eleventh District Chaplain.
  2. Office work and other activities not specifically listed. At the request of a CG unit and with Unit Commander or Division Chief approval, office work and other activities not specifically listed, to include Aux HS, may be authorized. If an activity is approved, the requesting unit must ensure CG facility access is authorized for the Auxiliary member under the local policy or request access accordingly.

5. During this third phase of reconstitution, unless specifically authorized in accordance with reference (d), all official Auxiliary engagement activities that entail attending other-than-Coast Guard or other-than-Auxiliary conferences, conventions, or other large gatherings remain suspended.

6. For the most up-to-date status from the CDC regarding this disease, how to take precautions against it, and the current and forecasted analytic data on COVID-19 cases can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.

7. COVID-19 has created a dynamic worldwide situation subject to policies and procedures that can rapidly and significantly change. As the situation evolves, we will continue to provide updates on the status to this phased plan as we work together to define the “new normal” in the Eleventh District.


CG Sector San Diego
CG Sector LA/LB
CG Sector San Francisco
CG Sector Humboldt Bay CG Air Station San Francisco CG Air Station Sacramento

Assignment To Duty Request Form

D11SR Phase 3 Assignment to Duty Request Form

Additional Information


Auxiliary COVID-19 High Risk Assessment Form Revision 6


