Manuals and Forms

Your Source for Nearly All Forms and Manuals

ANCS Catalog Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC) Catalog

The Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC) is the central distribution point for all Auxiliary manuals, guides, forms, boating safety pamphlets, flyers, posters, certificates, and mailing supplies.

Each of these items carries an “ANSC” stock number, which identifies it as part of a “series”. For example, all forms are series “7000”, leading to designations such as “ANSC-7030 Activity Report – Mission”.

The Auxiliary National Supply Center Catalog contains a descriptive listing of each item, as well as order forms to be used by District, division, and flotilla materials staff officers (DSO-MA, SO-MA, and FSO-MA). Members or officers needing materials from the catalog should contact the appropriate materials officer at their level.

ANSC Forms ANSC Forms – Electronic Versions

These days, most Auxiliary daily-use forms are available in “electronic” versions – typically pdf files. They may be printed and completed “on paper”, filled out on your computer and then printed out, or even attached to an email and sent.

Moreover, many of the pdf forms, when completed, can send an electronic message “behind the scenes” to the appropriate recipient. These so-called “eForms” eliminate all manual filing, including as an email attachment.

All of the electronic forms in daily use are available on the Chief Director’s Website, rather than from the ANSC, even though the forms, for traditional reasons, retain the “ANSC” designation. Follow the “ANSC Forms” link to the left to reach this important resource.

Webforms (7029)

In 2010, a third type of form, an online form that you can complete on any Web browser in the world, made an appearance for the Auxiliary’s most heavily-used form – the 7029 Member Activity Report. The so-called “Webform 7029”, available above under “QUICK LINKS”, offers new simplicity and flexibility in entering and submitting hours.

District 11SR Forms

District Forms are specific to District 11SR, and should be used in place of any National or ANSC forms, if any overlap exists. Note that any operations-oriented forms will be found in the Job Aid Kits for those departments (e.g., Surface Operations), including the Request for QE.

The best way to understand when to use a District Form is to simply follow the link to the left, and look through the list and explanations.

Auxiliary Manual

The 618-page Auxiliary Manual is the basis for virtually all Auxilary activities and organizations. All but the newest members are expected to have a strong working knowledge of its contents and to apply that knowledge to one’s periodic Auxiliary activities.

Although the entire manual may be downloaded from the National Website (via the “All Other Manuals” link to the left, we have presented it here separated into chapters and appendices, so that you may read a chapter of interest online, or download only the chapters you need.

All Other Manuals

This link takes you to the Chief Director’s site where all downloadable manuals are obtainable. Almost all manuals formerly available in printed, bound form from the Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC) may now be downloaded and/or read online.

New Member Guide

The 36-page New Member Reference Guide, 2010 edition, is an indispensable tool for the new member. In covers topics such as History, Purpose, and Administration; Auxiliary Missions; Membership; Auxiliary Organizational Structure; Regulations and Policies; Support and Basic Materials; Human Resources; Member Training;’ Reimbursement of Auxiliarists; Uniforms; Auxiliary Recognition; Guide to Courtesy and Protocol.  Download or view it to the left.

Protocol and Courtesies

A guide to the proper protocol and courtesy to use in various situations.

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