Communications Systems

National IT Group             CS Website Checklists             AIRS Program

Welcome to the Communications Systems Pages! We are the Internet and Web Site team and we are responsible for the Internet presence of the District and its divisions and flotillas, especially the development of tools and services to permit the display and management of content.

As we build this new site and fill out its features, you’ll notice changes and updates from time to time. Bear with us, the older site with all its information is still fully operational and all data exists exactly as before. We will be operating both sites in parallel until all data and capabilities are functional in the new site, and even then some of the engines behind the original site will still exist. No data will be lost, and though the new site may take a little getting-used-to, we think the effort will be worth it and our ability to reach out to the public and meet the needs of members will be vastly improved!

Thank you,

Chuck Hutchings
DSO-CS 2020


About Communication Services

The Communications Services Department is responsible for the Internet presence of the District and its divisions and flotillas, especially the development of tools and services to permit the display and management of content.


  • District, Division, and Flotilla web site presence
  • Support of content and training of content administrators
  • Support of information outreach for PA, PB, PE, VE and other areas
  • Online Public Education Calendar Platform
  • Online Member Training Calendar Platform
  • Online District Calendar Platform
  • District Conference Registration Platform and Data Administrator

News & Notices


Here is a nice document that discusses working with the Millenial generation. People sometimes have difficulty relating to people from other generations, and today’s young adults are more aware than people have ever been at the same point in their lives. Check out this review of generational changes and ideas and you may find it much easier to relate to people from any generation.